

Prairie Tokki LV 10 21-09-26 1075

There are many holidays that Canada and Manitoba has. Here's a list of the holidays you will experience here in Manitoba:


  • New Year's Day (January 1st)
  • Louis Riel Day/Family Day (3rd Monday in February)
  • Valentine's Day (February 14)
  • Good Friday (end of March-beginning of April)
  • Easter Monday (end of March-beginning of April)
  • St. Patrick's Day (March 17)
  • Mother's Day (a Sunday in May)
  • Victoria Day (last Monday before May 25)
  • Father's Day (a Sunday in June)
  • Canada Day (July 1)
  • Terry Fox Fay/Civic Holiday (first Monday of August)
  • Labour Day (first Monday of September)
  • National Day of Truth and Reconciliation (September 30th)
  • Thanksgiving Day (second Monday of October)
  • Halloween (October 31)
  • Remembrance Day (November 11)
  • Christmas Eve (December 24)
  • Christmas Day (December 25)
  • Boxing Day (December 26)
  • New Year's Eve (December 31)


General Holidays (or Statuatory Holidays):

General Holidays (or statuatory holidays) are days recognized by law as holidays. 


Most employees have this day off with pay, but in some jobs where they have to work on these days employees are paid 1½ times their regular pay (so if you make $12.00 an hour you will get paid $16.00 an hour). There are a few exceptions to this rule but it's rare.


There are 8 general holidays:

  • New Year's Day (January 1st)
  • Louis Riel Day/Family Day (3rd Monday in February)
  • Good Friday (end of March-beginning of April)
  • Victoria Day (last Monday before May 25)
  • Canada Day (July 1)
  • Labour Day (first Monday of September)
  • Thanksgiving Day (second Monday of October)
  • Christmas Day (December 25)


Employees who work the same number of hours get one regular work day’s pay as general holiday pay.

  • For example, an employee who always works 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week, would get paid their regular wage of 8 hours on their day off.


All employees receive general holiday pay unless:

  • They are scheduled to work on a general holiday, but are absent without the employer's permission.
  • They are absent without the employer's permission from their last scheduled workday before the holiday, or their first scheduled workday after the holiday.


Other Holidays:

Easter Sunday, Terry Fox Day, National Day of Truth and Reconciliation, Remembrance Day, and a Boxing Day are not general holidays but may get the day off or paid 1½ of their regular rate. 


The ones who will not get paid extra are:

Employers operating a gas station, hospital, hotel, restaurant, place of amusement, continuously operating business, climate-controlled agricultural business, or a seasonal industry (excluding construction), or those employing domestic workers.


The other holidays are more cultural holidays and will not result in extra pay or a day off. Though, there may be events happening around the city in celebration of these holidays. Valentine's Day, St Patrick's Day, and Halloween are particularly big cultural holidays where there will be events happening in celebration of these holidays.


Due to many groups of people immigrating into Canada, there may additionally be other cultural or religious holidays celebrated among certain groups of people.
