
Types of Milk

Prairie Tokki LV 10 22-06-30 434


Milk is a very common drink in Canada. It has good nutrients and a high source of protein. 

Our milk comes from cows, and if it comes from a different animal it will say so. If it just says milk on it that means it is cow milk. 

Milk usually comes in 1 litre, 2 litres, or 4 litres, in plastic jugs or cardboard cartons. In some places, like Ontario, they may come in bags. 


You will see numbers on the front of a milk carton. It will either say 0%, 1%, 2%, or 3%. These numbers mean how much fat percentage is in each thing or milk. 

  • 0%: (skim milk). Usually with a green label. This is fat free milk that had the same nutrients. 
  • 1%: (low-fat milk). Usually with a blue label. This milk has a bit lower fat than the typical heavier milk
  • 2%: (reduced fat milk). Usually with a pink label.
  • 3% (or whole milk). Usually with a yellow or dark red label. This milk has all the fat in it. This milk is great for young children. 



Flavoured milk

There are certain types of flavoured milks out there. They can be in any percentage so you'll have to look on the front for those. 

Chocolate milk- milk that is combined with chocolate (and often times buttermilk). It is very sweet and high in sugar. 

Strawberry milk- milk flavoured with strawberry. Usually you find these in 1 or 2 litres. 

Banana milk- not as common but you still may find it sometimes.


*you can usually find other flavours online if you look


Other kinds of milk

Organic milk- this is milk that is created by strict farming practices (without use of pesticides, genetic engineering, etc.) Will usually be more expensive. For more information on organic foods click here

Lactose-free milk- this is cow's milk with the natural sugars in it (the lactose) removed. This is great for people who are lactose intolerant. Still contains the same nutrients as other milks. Can usually find this in either the organic or health food ls section. 

Raw milk- this is milk that is not pasteurized (heated up to kill bacteria). This is illegal to buy and sell in Canada, as drinking it can cause sickness and disease. You can still find this occasionally from private sellers but it is highly recommended to NOT BUY OR DRINK raw milk.

Tags : Milk, guide