
Skincare Routine

Prairie Tokki LV 10 21-12-18 589


Skin care can look complicated with all the different bottles of lotions and creams you see at the supermarket but it's actually quite simple. Here's the 8 steps to help you look younger and get your skin glowing!


*always remember that eating healthy, exercising, and getting enough sleep are also vital for keeping your skin looking good


1. Cleanser

Face cleansing is the first step in your skincare routine. It clears away impurities and oils that clog your pores and dull your skin. Be gentle with your cleansing and only do it for about 30-60 seconds. Too much cleansing will damage your skin. If you have dry or sensitive skin do less. 


2. Toner

Toner is the next step and helps your skin glow. It's not needed but it can be great for refreshing skin, removing any remaining stuff on your face, and balance pH. If you get acne easily look for a toner with salicylic acid  if you have dry/sensitive skin then get a hydrating toner (or essence toner). Use a cotton pad to apply the toner.


3. Exfoliation 

This should be done at most 2-3 times a week and should be done after you put on toner. On the days you don't use this you should go straight to step 5 (Serum). This is a type of cleanser but goes much deeper. This is good for blackheads, pimples, and other skin issues. Doing this too often though can hurt your skin. 


4. Face masks

Like exfoliating this should only be done 2-3 times a week (and should only be done after you exfoliate). Face masks can help lock in moisture and create a barrier on your face. Plus they can help your skin glow. You should also use a bit more toner when you complete this step (in addition to using toner previously).


5. Serum

Serum helps give your skin vitamins (especially vitamin C) which reverses a lot of the skin damage from the sun, pollution, etc. Can also help to fade dark spots.


6. Eye cream 

This step is also not needed as much but very good to do! If you do use it then make sure to gently tap the cream around your eyes with your ring finger as the skin is very delicate around your eyes. 


7. Moisturizer 

This keeps skin hydrated and helps strengthen the barrier of your skin. Moisturizers are usually cream and you should go for a lighter moisturizer unless you have dry skin. There are also moisturizing lotions and gels you can use instead of creams. 


8. Sunscreen

Wearing sunscreen (or sunstick) is very important for your skin (even in winter or on cloudy days!). The sun is the number one reason why people's skin ages so this is probably the most important step (even if you do nothing else). 
