
Alcohol & Drug Addictions

Prairie Tokki LV 10 22-01-10 608


Alcohol and drug addictions are said to affect (or have affected) up to 6 million Canadians. Addictions are serious and often require counseling or some other form of professional help. 


An addiction can lead to serious health, relationship, and financial problems. It can result in death if you overdose.


If you have an addiction the first step is admitting you have a problem. There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for help. In fact, it's a sign of weakness if you can't. 



If you are ages 18+ and would like help with an addiction, there is a list of places here in Manitoba you can find that can help you beat the addiction.


If you are below the age of 18, here is a list of places that can help children with addictions get their lives back on track.



For general information you can call the following numbers:

Wellness Together Canada


Addictions Helpline
(8:30am – 4:30pm, Monday – Friday)


Klinic Crisis Line



Kids Help Phone (for youth)



Youth Addictions Centralized Intake Services (for youth)


