
First-Aid Kits

Prairie Tokki LV 10 22-01-11 595



First-aid kits are packages full of medical supplies that can help you if you get hurt. It is highly recommended that you have one at your home and workplace in case of any accidents.


Different first-aid kits can have different items in them. There are many different types of first-aid kits and each one will have/need different things (though many items will be the same).


To see a list of all the different first-aid kits you can get in Canada click here


You can either buy a first-aid kit with all the stuff included at a store (such as Canadian Tire) or you can create your own. To make your own you should have:

  • Emergency telephone numbers for EMS/9-1-1, your local poison control centre, and your personal doctors
  • Home and office phone numbers for family members, friends, or neighbours who can help
  • Sterile gauze pads (dressings) in small and large squares to place over wounds
  • Adhesive tape
  • Roller and triangular bandages to hold dressings in place or to make an arm sling
  • Adhesive bandages in assorted sizes
  • Scissors
  • Tweezers
  • Safety pins
  • Instant ice packs
  • Disposable non-latex gloves, such as surgical or examination gloves
  • Flashlight, with extra batteries in a separate bag
  • Antiseptic wipes or soap
  • Pencil and pad
  • Emergency blanket
  • Eye patches
  • Thermometer
  • Barrier devices, such as a pocket mask or face shield
  • First aid manual