
Why Include Recipes?

Prairie Tokki LV 10 21-12-25 1977


I recently got a question asking why we put up recipes on this website. And did we cook and try these recipes ourselves?



Yes! We have cooked and modified these recipes and tried them for ourselves! And we only give you ones that taste good (we test the taste with at least a few people). We also choose recipes that we think people will enjoy!


Now the second question: 

Why do we have recipes on this website in the first place? Because cooking is a big part of culture and life! We felt it we would not be doing our jobs if we didn't include this huge aspect of life here in Manitoba!


We also felt we could make finding and cooking good recipes easier and lazier for everybody.


Go look at other recipe websites. I'll wait. When you look a recipe up they usually give a mountain of information about how their grandmother used to cook it or something else that you don't care about. You literally have to scroll down for 2 minutes just to find the recipe!


And they ALL DO THIS! It's like they all came together and decided to make life more difficult for everyone, for absolutely no reason.


We hate that! We really do! People just want the recipe and that's exactly what we try to give people! You won't see a huge backstory with each of our recipes. You just see the thing you were looking for…the recipe!
