
Protecting Your Personal Information

Prairie Tokki LV 10 21-09-29 1882 1

If you signup and create an account here on the website then you will he notified of any updates that occur on the site. You will also be able to use any of our forums free of charge!


Personal information that can identify an individual, such as an individual's name, phone number, home address, workplace, and student number will not be asked for and we insist you don't share too much with others. Our website is secure and will prevent most data breaches, yet you will need to protection yourself as well.


Manitoba101.ca does not receive the above-listed information. If you decide to sign-up then all we ask is for a sign up ID, that you'll have to confirm in your email. Any other information will not be required. If you do need to share personal information with another person for whatever reason then we suggest doing so through a private email or app. 


Always remember to protect yourself and your information! Manitoba101 will do our part to protect it and we thank you for doing yours!


