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Internships are short-term work experiences offered by companies/jobs for people who want to enter a career. Internships are there to get young workers (often students) some exposure to a particular industry or field. It is as much of a learning experience as it is work.


Many internships are required to begin a career. For instance, doctors, lawyers, and many other jobs require an internship before you enter the profession.


Even if you don't require internship they can be very useful for gaining work experience (especially for students) which looks good for your resume and academic record. There are many seasonal internships one can choose from.



What are the benefits of an internship?

  • Gain valuable work experience
  • Develop new skills and improve others
  • Apply knowledge to actual on-the-job situations
  • Test career choices (to see if you like it)
  • Meet and work with professionals, establishing contacts for letters of reference and networking
  • Experience new work environments
  • Earn a bit of money



Where can I get an internship?

You can find many internship positions at most job search websites.


Here's a few:


If you're a student you can also find internships through your school



For more information on Internships Internships click here.
