

Prairie Tokki LV 10 21-10-12 580


Marijuana (commonly known as ‘weed') was legalized in Canada in 2018. Since then many marijuana stores (often called ‘marijuana dispensaries have opened all around Manitoba.


Marijuana use is legal to purchase and use in Manitoba to anyone who is aged 19 years or older. 


Many of these stores sell many different marijuana products, such as candies (called ‘edibles’), drinks, marijuana to smoke, flavoured marijuana, and many more!


While it is legal, and may be a fun time, there are still laws and rules surrounding marijuana use that you must know:

  • You can't use it in public (like alcohol)
  • You can't drive any vehicle when you are high
  • You may only have up to 30 grams of marijuana at one time
  • You can only buy from stores (not from other people)
  • You can't grow your own


Despite these rules you are entitled to enjoy yourself, so long as you do it responsibly! 
