
French Immersion

Prairie Tokki LV 10 22-01-12 641


What is French Immersion?

French immersion is a K-12 school program that teaches your child French. Many schools in Manitoba (and Canada) offer the program to help students learn French as a 2nd (or more) language. 


The basics of French are taught in the early years and the language is developed over time throughout the many years in school. The school will have French classes and will be required to do many assignments in French. French will become the main language in which the student's education will be taught, and they will have a lot of practice in the language.


Students will still learn English and English-related topics, so your child will not fall behind in any way.



Benefits of French Immersion

There are many benefits of enrolling your child in a French immersion program. These include:

  • Improved cognitive skills
  • Better educational opportunities
  • Better career opportunities (especially for government-related jobs)
  • Access to the world
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Good critical thinking skills



How to apply for French Immersion?

If you wish for your child to enter French immersion then you will need to enroll them at specific times. There are 3 times when you can enter your child into the program:

  1. Early Immersion – Kindergarten and/or Grade 1 entry
  2. Middle Immersion – Grade 4 entry
  3. Late Immersion – Grade 7 entry


Any child turning five years old by December 31 may attend Kindergarten.


Not all schools offer the French immersion program so you will have to find one to make sure it has it. To see which schools have the French immersion program click here


For more information regarding the French immersion program click here.
