
Canada Day

Prairie Tokki LV 10 22-07-01 437


What is Canada Day 

Canada Day is a statutory holiday in celebration of when the first 4 provinces of Canada (Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia) were united in 1867, and became one united country called Canada. It is held on July 1st every single year. 



Beginning in the early 1500s the French, and later the British as well, began exploring the lands of North America. They eventually began trading with the local Indigenous peoples and creating trading forts. Over time, the French and British began forcefully taking the lands of North America away from the Indigenous peoples for themselves.


In the 1600s the French established the colony of Quebec and the British in Ontario and the Maritimes. They set up these colonies so they could trade the goods found in North America (mostly furs). Britain eventually took control over Quebec after beating France in the Seven Years War (1763). 

Over the next 100 years it became expensive for Britain to keep its colony, and many people born in the colonies wanted to create their own government. More and more provinces eventually joined until all 10 provinces and 3 territories were united into Canada.

On July 1st, 1867 Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia signed the British North America Act which united the provinces to form what is now called Canada. They also planned to allow neighbouring colonies to join as well (mostly in Western Canada). 

Canada Day was originally called Dominion Day and wasn't really popular until about 1917. People wanted to change the name Dominion Day and began calling it Canada Day. In 1982 the day was officially renamed as Canada Day. 

If you want to learn more about the history of Canada or Canada Day click the links.



Since it is a statuatory holiday, many people will have the day off of work. So many people will be going out and celebrating. 

Big and small parades are held in villages and cities all over Canada. There will usually be activities, for both kids and adults, held in parks, zoos, and any other public spaces. For more information on activities you can do click here

Other Canada Day traditions include wearing the national flag colors (red and white), having outdoor picnics, sporting events, festivals, and fireworks will usually be held somewhere in your town or city at night 

Many Canadian foods such as poutine, maple candies, baklava, or beaver tails (deep fried bread dough with cinnamon and other toppings) are eaten on this day. Many local Canadian beers, whiskeys, and other alcohols are consumed on this day. 



Final Words

Since many businesses will be closed on Canada Day here's a list of what's open in Winnipeg


We hope you have a fun Canada Day!


Tags : Canada, holiday, history