
Why Does Tuition Cost More for International Students?

Prairie Tokki LV 10 21-12-11 667


You may have noticed that tuition for international students is much more expensive in Canada than it is for Canadian residents and citizens. In fact, international students in Manitoba will have to pay over 3x the amount that residents/citizens do.


Why is this the case?



The Cause?

Basically, the cause of the difference in tuition is due to government underfunding. Prior to the late 1970s international students were charged basically the same as residents/citizens were. 


This changed in 1976 when the federal government allowed universities to charge different tuitions for international students (to make more money). After this, most universities started cutting grants to international students, and by the 1990s tuition began increasing for everyone as universities were low on cash. Tuition was, however, increased even more so for international students. 


Governments and universities/colleges know hogh tuition fees are unpopular, but since international students can't vote and have little political influence in Canadian politics, the politician don't really do anything as there is no pressure on them to do anything. Thus, international students are an easy target for the universities to increase their fees and to get more money.



Is anything being done about it?

There are many people who don't agree with charging international students more for tuition. They say it undermines equality and education for all in Canada, and is not in line with Canadian principles. 


Universities claim that if tuition goes down for international students then tuition will go up for residents/citizens in order to cover the costs. Either that, or they'll need more funding from the government.


International students are becoming a bigger part of Canadian university demographics and life. While they can't vote, their increasing numbers likely will have more political impact in the future. But as of yet, there have been no serious proposals to reduce the costs for international students.



Additional information

If you'd like a brief introduction about the tuition difference for international students then please click here.

Tags : Tuition, international students, costs