
Is Your Prof Good or Not?

Prairie Tokki LV 10 21-09-30 655

Professors, like any group of people, can be really great or really not-so-great depending on who they are.


While this is normally something not that important with most people, a professor can influence your grades in a big way. Thus, you want one who is good at their job and is a good person you can trust.


While it's impossible to fully know a professor before you enter their course, the link below will give you some basic information about how they are, and how tough their courses are. Just type in their name or find them through the school.




**A tip: when you're looking at the ratings for the professor, keep in mind that the higher level courses a student takes with the professor, their ratings will likely be more accurate than those who take a lower level course with the professor. This is simply due to the fact that higher level courses have more interaction with the professor. Students in lower level courses often do not have much interaction with their professors.
