
Car Hacks for Winter!

Prairie Tokki LV 10 21-12-14 548


Winter can be much harder for car owners than any other season! Here are some tips to help you with your car this winter.



Fixing foggy windows

  • To quickly get rid of fog without leaving smudges try a chalkboard/whiteboard eraser 
  • Make sure your car’s air recirculation is turned off and instead use the fresh air intake option instead, which will pull in dry air from outside



Preventing foggy windows

  • Rub shaving cream on the inside of your windshield, then wipe it off (contains some of the same ingredients as defoggers)
  • Fill a sock (or anything else) with kitty litter and leave it in your car overnight (will help absorb moisture that would collect on your windshield)
  • Before you turn your car off every night, open the windows for a few seconds to let the cold, dry air in (dry air will help dehumidify your car overnight)
  • Don’t leave water bottles or other drinks in your car overnight (the moisture from them can create a foggy windshield)



Frozen windows

  • Pour lukewarm water (NOT TOO HOT!) over your windshield 
  • To quickly unfreeze your windows mix ⅓ part water and ⅔ part isopropyl or rubbing alcohol together and pour into a spray bottle. Spray the solution onto your windshield and you'll see the ice disappear instantly
  • There is also de-icer spray you can buy at places such as Canadian Tire
  • To prevent side mirrors from freezing overnight cover them with a plastic shopping bag or a ziplock bag. Tie the end or keep it in place with a rubber band



Fix frozen wiperblades

  • Use socks is to cover your wiper blade overnight! Just raise your wiper blades and slip the socks over the ends (they will help prevent ice from forming on the blades)
  • Make sure you get winter washer fluid for cold weather (can help melt the ice that’s on your wiper blades)
  • If you can, park your car facing east into the rising sun (that extra bit of warmth from the sun will help melt the ice)



Frozen car doors and locks 

  • For frozen locks, try heating your key with a match or lighter and gently push it into the lock to melt the ice (careful not to burn yourself!)
  • If you have one, aim a drinking straw at the frozen lock and blow air into it (the heat from your breath will start melting the ice)
  • Rub a layer of hand sanitizer over the frozen area and let the alcohol melt the ice
  • To prevent a frozen door spray a bit of cooking spray where the door seals (acts as a waterproofer)



Ice scrapers

  • Good to always keep a spare ice scraper in your trunk or the back of your car (in case one breaks)
  • If you can't find an ice scraper use a kitchen spatula or an old card (library card, credit card, etc.) that you don't care if it breaks



Items to have in your car

  • Kitty litter (helps prevent your windows from fogging and can help your tires get traction if you ever get stuck in snow)
  • Always have an extra coat, gloves, touque, scarf, thick socks, and ski pants somewhere in your car
  • Flashlights
  • Warm blanket
  • Charged battery pack for your phone
  • Hand and foot warmers
  • Energy bars
  • Something to drink (ideally water)
  • Car booster pack (if you have) or at the very least booster cables