
Save Money on Gas (Tips & Tricks)

Prairie Tokki LV 10 22-01-08 653



Gas is expensive. And while the price may go down from time to time, generally speaking the price will always go up. 


Here are some tips to help save you some gas (and thus your money):



1. Waste less gas when driving

  • Accelerate gently. Revving your engine and driving like a crazy person wastes a lot of gas. Slow down a bit. Speaking of…
  • Slow down! Driving at 100 km/h instead of 120 km/h consumes 20% less fuel.
  • Drive at a steady speed (don't go from one speed to another when you don't have to). Acceleration burns a lot of fuel, especially at higher speeds. Fluctuating between 75 km/h and 85 km/h every 20 seconds can lead to a 20% increase in fuel consumption. Use cruise control on the highways and country roads.
  • Dont brake so hard! They can increase fuel consumption by almost 40%! Keep a healthy distance from the cars in front of you so you dont have to brake ao hard.  
  • Plan your route so you can avoid heavy traffic. Use Google Maps or click here to see where the traffic is and how you can avoid it.
  • Don't have too many things in your car! This can weigh it down which means more gas and cost you more money!
  • Use the air conditioner and heater as little as possible (can increase fuel consumption by 20%). The only exception is when you're on the highways as having your windows and sunroof open can actually increase fuel consumption, so it’s better to turn on the air conditioner.



2. Keep your vehicle in good shape

  • A poor vehicle can burn more than 25% on fuel consumption so take your car to a mechanic at least once a year for a check up. It may cost you more money short term but it will always cost you more money later.
  • Keep the right amount of air in your tires (usually 32-35 PSI). Your car guide will tell you what to keep it at. If there's too little air in your tides you will need to use more gas to push the car forward.



3.  Spend less money on gas 

  • Don't spend money on premium fuel! Just get regular. Unless you have an expensive sports car or a motor bike that needs to be delicately maintained then don't bother. It won't make a difference, you're just wasting your money.
  • Look at the Gas Price finder and you may find a gas station that has cheaper gas.
  • Find loyalty programs and/or gas credit cards to help you save some money. Click here for more info.



4. Get a better car!

  • If you're looking for a new car get one that's fuel efficient. Even if it costs you a little more money right away, it will save you money long term. 
  • You could also get an electric car or even a hybrid car (uses both fuel and electricity) to help save you some money on gas.



4. Saving gas in winter

  • Don't let your car warm up too long! You just need a minute or two to let it thaw before you csn drive it. It may not be warm when you get in but it'll warm up wrinkly when you begin driving (so you'll have to suck it up if you want to save some money).
  • Plug your car in when it gets cold! This means your car will start easily and you won't need to spend the extra money on gas.
  • Make sure to have a block heater! If you don't your car will need to spend a lot of time warming up each day. Most cars you buy in Canada will have one and it will be far less if you get a block heater (so you save some money). 
  • Don't put the heat on maximum! Just put the heat on low! It may be a bit more uncomfortable but you can always dress warmer.



5. You don't have to drive

  • If you're in walking distance to where you want to go then walk! In the winter this may be hard but in the summer if something is close there's no reason why you can't walk somewhere.
  • There's always buses around you as well. Click here to find a route to where you're going.
  • Carpool (share a car with other people). This can help all of you save some money.






